Vaaren har sprunget!
Where else in the world can you do this? Last week I was running around Songsvann, a lake very much like Greenlake in Seattle except that it is in a forrested area. Halfway around I walked out into a dock to rest. Because of the heat, I was only wearing a t-shirt and rolled up pants. I sat on the edge of the dock and rested my feet on the ice of the still-frozen water! So groovy! It took about two days for the ice to completely melt in Sognsvann. The weather is so perfect right now: twenty degrees over the last week and the sun sets at about 10:00 only to rise again at about 4:30 the next day. I have been to three barbeques since last weekend and I spend most of the days outside now so I am getting quite tan. Life is good in old country.
Cory playing the guitar at Carline's vorspiel.
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