I spent four days in Florida where my dad, his side of the family, and his restaurant all live. It had been about a year since I had seen all of them and it was so great! I was almost disappoined that "Hurricane Ernesto" lived up to it's lame name and only rained a little over one day. That cost me a day in the sun. I needed tanning time man! Norway is not cutting it for this requirement.
My Dad, Great Aunt Joe, and Grand Uncle Will. (He prefers being called "grand").
Best restaurant, ever. No really, I mean it.
My Dad laughing, one of the greatest, warmest sounds I know.
Brandon wants people to know that peeling an apple is what the average American guy, like him, does at night. See: we eat more than just junk.
My aunt Leslie
Uncle Sandy
The fabulous New Smyrna Beach at night. The sky was incredible, one of those things you can't record on a camera, you just have to remember and keep going back to remember other important things.